

Finally, there's some spring outside! When I see a nice weather behind the window nothing can stop me to go outside and enjoy it ! Today's outfit, a bit more colorful than before, new trousers which I got for just £11 pounds ( yeah ! it's good to have a friend working @ H&M;] ) and my fav leather jacket which I just adore ( looks good with anything) plus kinda funny shoes witch skulls on the top. Btw, I know it's late for this but  I'm still looking for practical spring shoes looking good nor with a skirt or with shorts/trousers . Hmm... Converse? Vans ? or maybe something more elegant ? I don't have a clue what to choose . HELP!

enjoy pics from a walk !

PS. What do you think about my hair-do ? Do I really look that bad ? I've heard from few friends that I should let it grow up . Waiting for opinion :)

jacket -Miss Selfridge
trousers- H&M
shoes - Primark
bag - River Island


Fur winter coat .

Zima wciaz trwa, u mnie jednak dzis za oknem troche pogodniej - a gdy jest zimno lecz bez opadow, polecam futrzany plaszczyk. Mimo, ze jest cudny i szalowy, a przede wszystkim bardzo cieply, bo mozna go narzucic doslownie na cokolwiek, nawet na gole cialo, to dlugo wahalam sie nad jego zakupem. Zawsze marzylam o futrzaku, ktory ledwo zmiesci sie w mojej szafie i w koncu doczekalam sie :) Jest swietny, bo wyglada elegancko i stylowo. Przede wszystkim ma grzac i to udaje mu sie idealnie :) Podziwiajcie mojego 'zwierzaczka'  : 

The winter is still on, although it's not raining or snowing ( thanks God ! ) - and when there's cold outside but is not raining it means that it's essential to wear a fur coat- it's really warm, fashionable and eye-catching! And you can wear anything under a fur - it always look good . In my opinion, women in fur look really sexy ! I've always been dreaming about a fur coat and finally I've got one ! And it looks elegant and stylish. But the most important thing about it is to keep me warm, isn't it? And yeah, it does ! 

Like my page, guys: 


Have a wonderful weekend! 

coat - Asos
jeans- Zara
boots - H&M
blouse - H&M
necklace - Miso at Republic