
Looking for a dress!

Xmas partyis on THIS Saturday and I'm still looking for a dress.( !! ) 

Christmas Party in London is on this Saturday -the biggest work-event of the year.This is kind of staff party, where we celebrate success of our company. The best choice would be an ellegant dress but I need to find something comfortable and eyecatching :) I've found few dresses but I can't decide which one to choose, HELP! the pics were taken at fitting room so they're without accessories as I was in hurry. Waiting foryour opinion :0


  1. Dzien dobry, czy moglabym zapytac z jakiego sklepu jest sukienka nr 1 na zdjeciu zamieszczonym na szafiarki.pl? Ta z koronkowa gora? Z gory bardzo dziekuje za odpowiedz :)

  2. jasne, jest to Miss Selfridge :)
